*I'm going to keep my future Glee reviews in the format I used last time, I won't have anymore paragraphs dedicated to music, and drama. Sorry if you like it better but for now it's easier because I've been taking notes during the episodes to not forget anything!*
You know that Glee performing Gaga, would never disapoint! And I defitnitly think it didn't. The traditional recap before "Theatricality" started even made me smile, when the narrarator used the word achivitate I was cracking up!
While Tina's conflict that started in the very beginning seemed a little ridiculous, I thought it was cute and quirky and I loved the pop culture references to the Twilight craze! I thought Idina Menzel was amazing when she sang "Funny Girl" and Santana shocked in "Bad Romance" which was not what I expected, but just as enjoyable. Still continuning the line up of great musical performances, was the New Direction guys with "Shout it Out Loud" even thought it made me laugh out loud! While I couldn't stop smiling seeing my favorite Glee guys in full out Kiss attire, the performance as a whole wasn't funny at all, the vocals were great and the energy immeasureable. "Beth" as cheesey as it was, was adorable. I think seeing Puck's new involvement in Quinn's pregnancy should make for a change in the story line, causing Quinn to choose to keep her baby. I loved the fact that Shelby gave Rachel a cup with gold stars! "Poker Face" was a very interesting number. At first I didn't understand it, I mean you just reconnected with your mom after 16 years and now that she's leaving you after less than a week, you decide to end with singing a Lady Gaga song? Not the choice for me. But as the song progressed, I found it to be sweet and funny and I finally learned the lyrics! I loved the rendition, and like I said many times before, it left me smiling.
Memorable quotes!
“You want to name our daughter Jack Daniels?” - Quinn
"Don’t be late for your appointment at SuperCuts!” - Kurt
“And ladies, I don’t wanna hear about chaffing. You’re wearing metal underwear, its not my problem.” - Shelby
"She's boundary-pushing, the most theatrical performer of our generation, and she changes her look faster than Brit changes sexual partners." - Kurt
"Wait, where’s Rachel? I mean, I only noticed because, like, five minutes have gone by without her saying something totally obnoxious." - Puck
"My parents won't even let me watch Twilight. My mom says she thinks Kristen Stewart seems like a bitch." - Tina
The glee club adorned with Gaga! (She lent them her actual outfits!)
Sorry this review was so horrible! I'm taking time on working on the one for "Funk" so please keep reading, and thanks for checking out this blog post!
Song stuck in my head today: "What Is and What Should Never Be" by Led Zeppelin
Keep on keepin' on,
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