I started running again this Monday, because I need to get back in shape if I have any chance of trying out for my high school's soccer team and I just felt lazy not doing it. Track ended for me in early June so it's been a good two months since I've stepped foot on a track and it's not easy to start it up again! My sister and I are trying to get some laps in every day so we can get back in shape. I'm not saying that I'm fat! I just feel lazy. It's been going pretty well, I've missed a couple days because of parties and things like that but besides that I guess it's okay. After we went running one day though, I started to get really upset. And on the walk home I talked to my sister about it for a while. You see, I have this thing about pushing myself. I can't do it. It's so hard for me to get myself to do things, even finishing up this blog posts took some days to do. I explained this to my sister, and
surprisingly, she understood! We talked for a while about it and she made a couple references to Nickelodeon's greener Earth campaign "The Big Help". She said, "I understand Maddie, how it's hard to get yourself to do everything you want. Think of The Big Help. They want to you to be kind to others, get a good education, make a difference in the world, and go green! That's a lot to do!". That's really the story of my life. I dream big and never try to accomplish it. I rarely stick with things, and want to do everything. I need help! I'm not sure how to go about doing
what I want to get done, and to keep myself motivated. Anyone got any tips? Hopefully when the school year rolls around, (one month! Yikes!), it'll present me with an extra clean slate (since I'm starting a whole new school) that I can organize and fill up with
opportunities. Maybe I
should check out The Big Help online... think they'll have ideas and tips?! I've tried writing down lists of small goals I'd like to accomplish during the day, but that's very short-lived... Help!

This is a quote I kept finding when I Googled laziness... not sure what to make of it yet. I don't think it really pertains to me 'cause I need to keep running! :P

This person had a lot to do...

Maybe if I start making my To Do lists more colorful I'll get them done??!
Keep on keepin' on,
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