;& why do i still torture myself with you?
The mind is a funny thing. You try to drive something out of it and like a boomeraang it just keeps coming back. You keep yourself busy, knowing something's not good for you. But once you're alone it come crawling up out of the dark, daring you. Daring you to do it. But you can't. You want to so bad but what happens if it falls apart. You move on, it says. But you can't. You can't pursue it and watch it die. You can't walk away from it and let it sit there laughing in your face. If you do it, it has to work. It must. You'll be lost, much more lost than before if it doesn't. But if something new comes along, something better, are you able to let go? Will you spend the rest of your nights tossing and turning about your new feelings? Or will the old ones keep creeping up on you? What if the old ones were never meant to be? What if they were never ever good for you. But why would something keep popping into your head?

Song stuck in my head today: ♥ ♪
Keep on keepin' on,
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