God, I need to get away. Spring break is here and I'm going out east (whoop!) for the weekend. Yeah, it's only been maybe two weeks since I've been to good ol' Jamesport but I need it, badly. It's like magic. Every time I go to Jamesport, my phone dies. It just always works out that way, and I couldn't be happier when it does. I don't bring my charger and I just let the little monster have a break for a while.

Even though I do use my phone a lot, I hate texting in the end. I really shouldn't use it as much as I do. Things get misconstrued, misread, misinterpreted. And I get hung up on little texts than I actually do when I'm having a conversation with that person in real life, because there's no time then to dwell over what you're going to say to them. No long periods of rest where you can think about what you're going to tell them, and do it perfectly. So I end up stressing over little things that don't even matter!

It's worse when you're texting someone you like. With someone you like you might tell them things over text that you might not tell them to their face because you're too nervous to talk to them and that makes me feel like a coward. I hate when I do that. I try not to, and I really try not to text you as much as I do. It's making me feel pathetic.

So, I'm happy to just get away this weekend from my town for a bit and I will be leaving my phone alone! If someone really needs to talk to me, they'll make the effort to reach me some other way, but for now I'm going to try and see if I can not text anyone this whole break just to purely chat.

Song stuck in my head today: :)
Keep on keepin' on,