Saturday, July 10, 2010

The Fun Never Ends

From the pre-game warm ups to the last play on the court, I find basketball games to be nothing but fun. Though I've only been to two games, both of them have been a shockingly fun experience. I'm not an avid basketball fan. It's unlikely for me to be flipping through the channels and stop when I see the latest game on ESPN. But there's something completely different when you go to an actual basketball game, and you're sitting there cheering on your team and seeing all the three pointers up close and personal. Now, people can say that for a lot of things I guess; that it's better when you're experiencing something in reality rather than on T.V. But I can watch a whole Yankee game, and not a whole Knicks game (not because one of them is a lot better!) which I find really wierd! So even if you don't like watching basketball, or playing it, if you have the oppurtunity to go to a game, GO. You never know until you try.

I went to my first basketball game when I was nine or ten. It was a Knicks Vs. Nuggets game and I couldn't believe the thrill I got from going! Everything kept me entertained, from the cheesy half time dance routines to the way the crowd distracted the visiting team. And years later, going to my first Liberty game, the thrill hasn't left! I had an amazing time, and I was maybe seven rows away from the court. The thing that suprised me though were the hundreds of empty seats that were never filled during the game. I understand the lack of crowd when I watch a Yankee game- because the prices are so ridiculous! But here at a Liberty game, I don't know why seats that were up for maybe $10 a pop, were left empty! New York may not be huge on b-ball but how could they miss out on a such a simple form of entertainment! I try not to think that the reasons there were so many vacant seats, was the fact that it was a women's basketball game. If that's the deciding factor, WAKE UP NEW YORK.

Thanks again for reading and putting up with the wait! **Sorry for the lack of photo! Blogger isn't cooperating this early**

Song stuck in my head today: "Cooler Than Me" by Michael Posner

Keep on keepin' on,


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