I know. I know. Just when I make a comeback I gotta leave
twice?! Sorry guys! This time I'll be gone for a WEEK. In ICELAND. Iceland, I know. I know. Haha, alright here's the low down. My best friend in the universe lives there and it's about time I'm giving her a visit because in the past five years since she's moved, I've only gone over there once. I'm super stoked, but here's the thing: (well obviously I'll miss blogging! But here's a major frightening factor)
I'm flying there alone. If you've known me for my whole life, at some point or another you would have realized that I have some sort of anxiety issues. I can get myself really worked up about things. I was so scared when I booked the flight, but my nervous feelings went into hiding the months coming up to the trip, and I kept thinking about the posistives! How this would be an adventure, how it would help me with my fears... but now I woke up at five o'clock this morning after having a dream about flying, and I couldn't fall back to sleep! I finally realized,
I'm going on a plane. Alone. It's been sorta freaking me out the whole day! Like having a lingering bad taste in your mouth, being stuck in an extremely awkward situtaion, it was just nagging at me in the back of my mind the whole day.
I've been on tons of planes before though, and I
LOVE traveling. My mom had worked for American Airlines for the longest time, so I was exposed to a lot at a younger age. I'm just hoping all the butterflies will go away once the plane takes off, because there's no turning back now!
Me and my best friend, Svana, in 2005(?) in front of the Blue Lagoon in Iceland!
Thanks again for putting up with me! Maybe I can do short posts while I'm away?! Hope so! ♥
Song stuck in my head today:
"So Yesterday" by Hilary Duff :P
Keep on keepin' on,
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