Do you recycle?
42% said Yes! Of course
0 of you said Yeah, I think...
0 of you said Nope
57% said Wish I did!
0 of you said Why would I?
0 of you said Ha, you kidding? Waste of time.
So... I'm very happy a lot of you recycle! Kudos. (: I'm also really happy that none of you voted 'Nope, Why would I?, or Ha, you kidding? Waste of time.' and that those of you who didn't recycle chose 'Wish I did!' instead. As you might've known from my previous posts, especially "Earth Day is Every Day!" I'm getting into being green. And recycling is one quick and easy step to start! For those of you who wish you recycled, be you're own fairy eco-god mother! Find out about places in your town, county, or city where you can recycle. I know in my town, we leave our non-deposit bottles, cans, etc. out on the curb on certain days for pick-up; and those items that can be deposited for change, we bring to our local beverage stores that do that. Check on your item's label to see if you can get money back for recycling in your state! I really hope every one of us takes at least one step to going greener, wheter it be recycling, buying a hybrid, purchasing clothes that are made recycled of recycled material or just shutting a light off when you leave the room! Be proud of yourself, no matter how big or how small your action is.
I found a picture of these great public recycling cans in NYC. Maybe they're in your local city too!
Reflecting on my first "Back to Basics" post, I realized I haven't shared my other Flower List page with you guys! So here it is! Click on the April Blog Archive to find the first page if you'd like.
Reflecting on my first "Back to Basics" post, I realized I haven't shared my other Flower List page with you guys! So here it is! Click on the April Blog Archive to find the first page if you'd like.
Leave any questions about my choices for my list below! I really gotta start working on them... I'm going to try #23 real soon for the latest and greatest Harry Potter! What's on your list?
Oh! Before I sign off, I should add one more green tip! Recently, I found out about a great Google powered search engine, by word of my friend Sam. It's called The entire screen goes black to save energy, because it takes a lot of watts to power a screen white! It works exactly like Google. The down side: it only does web searches. So know picture, videos, or maps. :( Hope you use it though!
Song stuck in my head today: "Half of My Heart" by John Mayer
Keep on keepin' on,
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