As I said in my first post, I joined my school's track team. I had only had two practices before today, I enjoyed them but they was nothing really special. It was the usual sports regime for me, tiring drills, laughing with friends, and at the end of the day, knowing you could've done better.
That's the thing. I came home last night knowing I could've pushed myself way harder as we ran for 15 minutes straight around the track, I could've accomplished that feat without the two water breaks. So I went into practice today with more than just a water bottle, but a goal. A goal to do my best, and really mean it. If my coaches told me to run how ever long without stopping, that meant no stops, not sneaking out of the pack of Nike clad girls for a sip of water.
So I did it. I did four perimeters of the school, without any stops. And once it was over, I wanted more! I realized that strong self-determination is such a beautiful thing. Once you sit down and think, I really want this! And mean it, not just say, "Oh I tried my best" as an excuse, you can do anything.
I'm not saying I was amazing, like Flash or something. No one can ever reach their full potential. I went home ecstatic and eager to push myself harder, not knowing what else I was capable of.
After practice officially ended, my friend Jennie and I both went for a half perimeter around the school to head to the locker room. When we got there, we were in front people walking from the field to the locker room (which is a very short walk!) and knowing we left the same time as them, and seeing some people's faces aghast as we turned the corner, was a pretty great feeling.

Song stuck in my head today: "Magic Bus" by The Who
So, go out and do something you've always wanted to, but never gave it your all. You never know until you try. And if you don't like it, well... screw it!
Keep on keepin' on,
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