I think this whole track thing has dramatically effected me already! Is that possible? Today I was at soccer practice, and my Dad was late picking me up. I had a track and two feet so I wanted to run! I asked my coach if I could do some laps because I needed to keep running for track and he gave me this weird face and said, "If you want. Just don't run off, I'm supposed to be watching you until your dad comes." So I did half a mile while waiting for my Dad! I seriously feel like one of those exercise junkies, all I want to do is run and see how long I can go for! But, this has had a good impact on The Flower List 'cause I'm starting to work towards my next goal (I'd give you the number but, I'm currently at a friend's house, listless!), which is to be able to do a split.

Now, I'm a dancer. And you'd think I'd be able to do a split, but flexibility is a very touchy subject with me. I'm like a foot off the ground when I try to do a spilt, and I haven't been able to decrease that dreadful distance. I used to be better, being able to do a heel-stretch somewhat well, but my dancing school stopped helping me with that, and now that I've moved studios and only taking one class - the one were I won't learn anything, tap - I'm all on my own.
So, yesterday with my new found determined spirit I did a mini 30 minute workout, stretching non-stop. Hopefully, like attempts in the past, I won't give up. So write some supportive comments if you'd like! And tell me if you're working towards any athletic goals.
As for my topic of the day, yesterday I was with a friend and I saw a collage she did. In the collage there was a model wearing an American Apparel T-shirt saying, Legalize L.A. I'm not sure what the T-shirts supported, it had something to do with immigration rights (I think! Don't take my word, it's later at night and I'm too lazy to Google :) ) and I started thinking of their other T-shirts, supporting the legalization of gay marriage in the U.S., and how ridiculous it is that we even need those T-shirts.

When you think about it, the government is telling us (certain people) that it is illegal to love. Now, I myself am not gay, but if I was in love with another girl, and we weren't allowed to make that love official, as most people find matrimony does I would be torn apart. I don't understand why people get so heated over this subject, other's marriage does not affect your life. So what if two men are professing their love for another? Is something horrible going to happen to you? It's life. Move on. Being intolerant will get you no where. Sit down and think about it, love being illegal is preposterous.
Once again, feel free to comment. Thanks for the follower, poll votes, and profile views sooner then I thought!
Song stuck in my head today: "The Remedy" by Jason Mraz (♥)
Keep on keepin' on,
So good! Loved it!
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