Remember, *SPOILER ALERT*, get your butt to or if you missed the latest and greatest on Glee!
While I have said in the past before that I hope the show doesn't overdose on the drama, I think last night's episode only had one unexpected turn too many. The only thing I didn't find quite fitting, but still very interesting, was the fact that Jesse St. James who was leading his acclaimed glee club to another Regionals, transferred to McKinley high school 'to be with Rachel'. Jesse's transfer seems a bit too unrealistic and yet again muddles up his clear intentions, which I guess makes for a better story line. Tina's quick outbursts Artie were cute and I thought they were well needed!
I liked the songs, and I thought they fit in seamlessly with the storyline. I loved seeing Kurt and Mercedes shine in "4 Minutes" and I thought "Like a Virgin" was creatively shown, seeing each person's story. I loved the last performance. It was great!
As for my questions....
1.) Does Jesse transferring mean he really does have strong feelings for Rachel?
The sudden move made by the star of Vocal Adreneline, was a twist I feel no one expected! Jesse said he switched schools because, "when you love someone, you got to go for it. You [Rachel] would never be with me completely if I was on the opposing team; and I care about you more than winning another national title. So I left Vocal Adreneline. For you." I'm not sure wheter those lines were true and heart felt, or carefully scripted by vocal coach of Jesse's old glee club.
2.) How will Kurt and Mercedes choice to join the Cheerios effect the glee club?
While it may not come as that much of a shocker, seeing how Kurt and Mercedes were pushed out of the spotlight by the standard duo of Rachel and Finn, their decision to join the Cheerios was a bit risky. Do you think this will strengthen the glee club, and make them take turns being the leading vocalist, or will it weaken the club as two of their great assests get closer to the constantly scheming Sue Sylvester?
3.) Why does Quinn Fabray look just as slender as ever?
I know many of my friends find it weird that the pregnant ex head cheerleader looks very flat stomached in many scenes and is still able to bust quite a few moves on the stage. When will the reality of her pregnancy kick in once more? We've only heard a couple humorous comments about her baby, and it's been quite a few episodes since we've learned of the news!
Next weeks episode looks great! We have the return of the fabulous Kristen Chenoweth, who seems to set her sights on the sought after Will Schuester. But I have to say, as hilarious as Kristen's character is, isn't the on-going theme of Will's many short lived relationships, ending with the realization that he needs to get him self together a bit old by now?! I hope he makes up his mind the next episode and keeps it that way for at least the few after.
As for next week's musical line up, I don't know the songs! If I find them out later on, I will try to get them up... sorry again that I said Glee is on Wednesdays. It is staying at its Tuesday night spot! And sorry that this post is late, I had to go to my sister's chorus concert last night! (:
Here some memorable quotes from "The Power of Madonna":
"As an honorary girl, I would have to agree." - Kurt
"He's a spy. I would know." - Santana
"Just come out so we can talk... or sing about it." - Jesse
"Mercedes is black, I'm gay, we're new culture." - Kurt
"When I pulled my hamstring I went to a massagist." - Brittany
"If you wanna get all up on this..." - Archie
"Yes, you should move to Israel." - Santana
"Just do what I do. Never say no." - Santana
"Guess who I'm dating? Wes Brody. He's super-cute. He plays soccer with my sister. He's seven." - Brittany
"I don't feel comfortable talking about this with Rabbi Greenburg..." - Rachel
Remember to watch next week and check back here for a hopefully on time post!
The Glee cast performing, "Like a Prayer"
Splits are going better.... just had to keep updating! I wanted to post a very important post today for Earth day, but I'm not sure if I can, catching up on the Glee post :(. It will definitely be up tomorrow! Check back!!! And HAPPY EARTH DAY! Start thinking about how you can make a difference.
Song stuck in my head today: "Like a Virgin" by The Glee cast
Keep on keepin' on,
hahhaa i got it stuck in ur head! your welcome maddie
Yes! You have no idea..