*SPOILER ALERT* (It's been a week Gleeks, get to it!)
So first off I'd like to say that looking back at some old posts, I've been wrong on always one song the cast was going to perform in next weeks episode! "Jai Ho" was really far off, and I'm sorry! I'm still going to post songs I know of, and I apoligize if they're wrong. "Ohio" was sweet, what you'd expect. "Marry You" was AMAZING I've heard this song only once before, and now I love it even more. My lone year old sister even clapped when they were done with it! Another Bruno Mars rendition was "Just The Way You Are" which really summed everything up perfectly.
Drama, drama, drama. Well first I would like to commend Glee for really showing what bullying is like and making it a focal point of their show. Bullying based on sexuality is HUGE and I hope it's changed some people's views. I'm glad Kurt finally told more people about the harassment that was taking place, and I swear to you this guy on my bus looks just like Karofsky and when I saw him early in the morning and shiver went down my spine!
My questions...
1. Kurt is leaving?!
So after being introduced to the Warblers for a couple episodes now I realize it should be no shock to you that Kurt is leaving, but really? Now I can't believe it! I mean I never would've thought his parents would spend their honeymoon fund on the tuition. Isn't that like giving into Karofsky? Granted he has no one to hurt anymore but isn't that like giving up in a way? Let me know what you think...
2. Hopefully all the Kurt-Finn drama is gone now...?
It finally looks like these to are the perfect pair of brothers after Finn's performance of "Just The Way You Are" I'm really happy things worked out so no more drama with these two Fox!
3. Should we be expecting some Santana-Rachel-Finn fireworks?
Santana has nothing better to do than stirr up some drama when things are working out just fine. Out of the blue she reminds Finn about them having sex and how he had to lie to Rachel about it. We all know this will crush Rachel and I think we all know Santana doesn't give! So the only question is when and how? (And how/when Rachel and Finn will get back together... cause they obviously will! ☺)

Your quotes (only three?!):
"Which is why I prefer to think of the homelss as outdoorsy." - Sue
" have a trunk full of wedding magazines hidden under my bed. I’m thinking of a russet and cognac theme. Those are colors, Finn." - Kurt
"Not to worry, ladies, it’s an open marriage." - Rod
Some others thoughts of mine...
- "HE PROPOSED!" Aw, gotta love Furt.
- Sue marrying herself? No suprise!
- Quinn's so guarded now! Sam's a good guy, let him in!
- Sue's rehersal dinner was hysterical!
We don't know much about next tomorrow's episode but I'm really excited! I can't wait to hear "Dog Days Are Over" and I'm super excited for "Valerie". Here are the other songs they're singing:
"Don't Cry for Me Argentina"
"The Living Years"
"Hey, Soul Sister"
"(I've Had) The Time of My Life"
Song stuck in my head today: "Holiday" by Vampire Weekend
Keep on keepin' on,
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