So... two things you may or may not already know about me.
1. I LOVE Harry Potter
2. It's on my Flower List to see a movie at a midnight premiere
Being that HP7 is coming out this Friday, I dreamed about seeing it late Thursday night.
Well there's two things stopping me:
1. My mother. (I'll be honest!)
2. No one to go with!
You see most of my friends aren't Harry Potter nerds like myself.
And I'm tired of going with people who have no real interest in it!
It turns out I have an AMAZING FRIEND
named Shilpa
who I just found out...
How great is that?

Since there's no way the both of us (we live in different towns) could get together to see the midnight even if we were allowed,
we're seeing the film sometime this weekend hopefully and I can't wait!
I met Shilpa at a track meet and ever since we've kept in touch.
I have to admit, she's like my little miracle.
I can't believe a silly track meet created so many new friendships for me
and I love talking to her and spending time with her.
Though we've only hung out once outside of track related events,
I really consider Shilpa a good friend.
She's hilarious, really nice, and just so easy to have a good time with!
And the unknown fact that she read all the Harry Potter books makes me love her that much more.
Fact: Way to my heart, love Harry Potter ;)
So, be open.
Don't think you won't be friends with someone because
they don't like things you do,
they're weird,
they live too far away,
they go to another school,
they're a guy,
they're a girl,
they're gay,
they're stupid,
they're to smart,
they're not in your 'group'.
Wheter it's the guy that's lived on your block for years
but always thought was too... crazy
someone you've met for the first time,
you have to choice to create a lasting relationship!
So don't be afraid to strike up a conversation.

Song stuck in my head today: check out my other post! :P
Keep on keepin' on,
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