In the morning I wake up, I'm depressed. I want to watch the sunrise snug on my couch with a cup of tea. Not on the dead silent bus hitting potholes freezing my entire body off.
When I get to class I'm wondering why I've been such a grouch. I'm laughing my head off with my friends and my teacher is actually being really funny.
When I sit down in math, I'm depressed. I wonder why in the world I need to know how to prove ABCD a parallelogram. WHEN AM I GOING TO USE THIS? HOW WILL THIS STOP CHILD HUNGER? Let me know when you find out.
When I get to lunch, I'm depressed. Waiting on the lunch line by myself I remember why I hate this school. Dear gang of kids, I am not interested in hearing about the planning of your poker night or how you hooked up with so and so last weekend. I don't want to know you're grounded this week for having pot and I would really recommend you treat the lunch ladies with some more respect. After all they choose to put up with you for a living.
When I get to social studies, I'm wondering why I've been such a grouch. I'm laughing once again and creating great memories.
When I get to science, I'm wondering why I've been such a grouch. I'm with you.
When I get to art, I'm sorta depressed. I love love love my project but I hate hate hate hearing about your blow job while I'm trying to draw the London bridge. Ugh.
And throughout this whole crazy day I just think and think and think and think. Think about you, a lot. Think about why I'm here, a lot. And think about why I'm not doing something absolutely crazy and amazing and great right now. I'm stuck here. But I sort of like it. And I really hate it. I don't make any sense anymore and I'm constantly craving the summer. Constantly. I want the warm weather, I want to trade my cardigans for racer backs and my jeggings for cut up shorts. I want to go for a run without killing myself on the ice during the process. I want to have fun, and this tedious week is not for me.

Song stuck in my head today: how 'bout you just sit here and listen to my new playlist? (Added some stuff, deleted some songs that were wrong)
Keep on keepin' on,
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