Monday, September 6, 2010

Life's Just One Big To Do List

there's 104 days of summer vacation and school comes along just to end it
so the annual problem for our generation
is finding a good way to spend it...
If you read my other post about the summer ending, you know that I expected more out of this summer. And that's my fault. This Labor Day weekend, I felt like summer was just beginning, and yet I had to watch it slip right out of my fingers. I finally realized what I wanted to fill my long hot days with. So I made yet another list. A list of what I plan to do next summer. Yes, this defies my whole "live in the moment" philosophy, but if I don't write it down I'll just be repeating this next year. So, with that being said, it's time to reflect on the summer of 2010! As school starts tomorrow, think of the things you've done. Look back at your summer pictures, and read your journals. Show yourself that you actually did stuff this summer! Wheter it was what you wanted to do or not. Then, if you want, make a list like I did and put it away. Not somewhere where you'll forget about it, but somewhere where it won't be a constant reminder that you didn't get things done (although that might be a good motivation...!). Take it out next summer and DO. DO what it says, DO other things too and have the best summer ever!!! Here's some pictures from my summer ☺

my friends and myself at camp

my friends at camp dressed as superheroes!

my friends and me at camp again! (pay no attention to the lady behind us, hahaa)

2nd grade music class at camp

me on the boat tour of NYC, gah we felt like such tourists!

me wearing these cool Obama glasses i found in Chinatown!

my closest encounter with the Statue of Liberty. pretty amazing.

me and my best friend Jake, about to jump off into the bay

this has to be one of my favorite summer memories: picking berries in the rain with my cousins

my cousins and I fooling around in the bay ☺


my friend Paige and me next to our snowman! (yes- somehow thanks to the universe we made a snowman in the middle of August)

me trying my best not to get shocked by the wire!


my new friends down the block!

Wow. Posting all these pictures made me feel great. I actually did a lot of things this summer! And let us not forget my week stay in Iceland this July! I feel ashamed that I said I didn't do anything this summer.

Well, I hope you had a good summer and if you didn't, try to make the next one the best! For now, enjoy fall. I know I will! (Fact: it's my favorite season)

Song stuck in my head today: "Angel Dance" by Robert Plant

Keep on keepin' on,


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