This weekend I watched "Heaven and Hell" on my T.V. (via IO free On Demand) so for those of you who have IO, watch it that way because is currently restoring that video. :/
In this episode, Andrew uncovers the lifestyle of up and coming rapper, Maino. He learns about his past, parties it up in the present, and talks to Maino about his aspirations.
In ways, were all alike. We're all covered with stereotypes, and all have stories that just sound very similair to everyone elses. Sooner or later, all these great tales start to get mashed up and muddled. We look for something new, someone who has risen above all, faced with challenges no one has ever had to face before. So a black boy growing up in the streets of Bed Stuy and after some time in prison and being exposed to all that is the ghetto, makes a good life for himself doesn't sound to different now-a-days doesn't it. I mean how many docu-dramas and 60 Minutes specials can we have about singers, businessman, actors, or writers that made it out of the projects?
Not enough.
You might think you've seen it all after watching a little bit of MTV and prime-time news, but you haven't. You know how the story goes and don't gasp when you find out Maino has a son out of wed-lock and spent 10 years in prison for kidnapping. You know the drill: hard times followed by one mistake that leads you to jail, and then that final wake up call (throw in a murder or a pregnancy for good measure). I'm not saying that Andrew J
enks uncovered anything mind-blowing or life-changing. The stereotypical rise to fame might even stay in your head after watching it, who knows! But while watching this episode, and hearing Maino talk about wanting to be and inspiration to others, providing hope for those who were still trying to make it out of the streets, (after rolling my eyes a bit): I got it. I realized that yes, we humans share a lot of stories, and maybe we're all just the same and that's that. But there's still so many people trying to stand up on their own two feet, so many people who need that inspiration no matter if they're living in Brooklyn, Compton, or some little farm town that's making them feel trapped in Ohio! The stories we hear and see are only a small percentage of those who have been able to give themselves and their families, a better life. They're only just a few people who have been able to pursue their dreams despite all the staggering odds that were against them. The words they give to others aren't cheesey, but heartfelt. And those others need them.

In other thoughts.... NEW World of Jenks EPISODE TONIGHT AND THE PREMIERE OF The Buried Life AFTER IT! ☺ This is an awesome TV week! I'm really excited to to see what crazy things the boys do this season, and hopefully it'll give me inspiration for my list! I'll post my review tomorrow and I hope you all check it out!
Song stuck in my head today: I have allergies.. the only thing in my head was snot!
Keep on keepin' on,
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