(I would've written right away about my first day, while it was still fresh (ha...) in my mind, but I had my first soccer practice and then I was pretty busy with school supplies and what not afterwards!)
Teachers? Never thought I'd say it but- I miss my old ones! Even the ones I thought were stupid or boring, I miss 'em!
Hallways? Not as bad as they're cracked up to be, thought getting on/off the stairs and turning around can pose a problem sometimes.
Lunch? Perfect!
Soccer? Fine so far ☺
Upperclassman? Except for the cries of "FRESHIES!" "Hey freshmeat." "Move it freshman." "Oh sorry, they're freshman!", everythings cool.
Locker? After five or six tries on the first day, and asking random students to open it for me, my locker can now be opened on the first or second try by yours truly! Wonder why it took me longer in high school than middle school to get used to this lock...?
Classmates? So far, a lot of my friends are in my classes so I'm really content with that. Art though? That's another topic...
People? Uhm, can that go in the other topic section also? Okay, thanks.
Homework? Fine, but then again, it's barely the end of the first week.
Waking up? Yoga helps ☺
So, there you have it in a nutshell. Wanted me too elaborate? Yeah, me too! So here's my other thoughts on the day, if it's too much for you just skip to the end and check off what you thought!!
When I walked it the school, I'd thought it'd be like WOW. Throughout the day, I just thought I'd be surprised with every turn of the hallway and it'd be like I walked into a movie with every class. But it wasn't. It was like, Oh, wow! I'm here... . But I guess that's just me expecting too much out of everything like normal. My friend Steven said, "What do you expect? People to start dancing and singing in the hallways like High School Musical?" No. But, admittedly, I tried that! Just to spice up my day I guess. My friend started singing "Good Morning Baltimore" and there you have it: me singing the chorus on my way to English hoping that was the mixing ingredient. I don't know what I want, but I know I want it, y'know? Ha, I make no sense. But hopefully, what ever it is that is "missing" I will find soon! I keep telling myself that a lot can change in a year, and well, a lot can!
As for the people, I sometimes wanna throw up. I know it just sounds like and angsty teen but I really wanna get out of this town! I can't believe I just said that, but I did. Whenever I see my friends Facebook statuses as "Get mee outta heerre!" or "God I hateee this town" I just make mine as "I know it sometimes can stink, but you only have four more years so make the most of it! You're gonna miss it later on". That's all very well and true, but sitting in art today inside I was screaming GET ME OUT. Not just because of that class (again, another story) but because I was starting to wonder if I'll ever meet people that I just know I wanna hang out with, people that I don't have to worry about this or that with, people that I know won't find me weird or say: Oh you're so artsy and different! (which is nice to here, but I'm really not that different!). Okay, maybe that's a lie. I have good friends, I don't know what I'd do without mine, and I would love new people in my life, but friend-wise I'm at a very good place! Maybe I'm avoiding something. Yeah, I am. I really don't know if I wanna mention it though. I'm totally unsure. You know what I'm talking about. It starts with a B, and I think that's what I keep looking for but turn up with Eminem tracks, flat rim Mets hats, Nike sneakers, and Playboy magazines. But, like I keep hoping and praying...
A lot can change in a year.

Song stuck in my head today: "Chicken Fried" by the Zac Brown Band
Keep on keepin' on,
lol maddie, "art though? thats another topic."
Haha yes, wait for my post.... I'm gonna have to wash my mouth with soap or something after it! Haha JK but I hate it sooooo much!