Nothing Changes New Year's Day -U2

Dear reader,
Please don't give into the pressures of the New Year. You don't have a resolution? Fine! Nothing, not time nor people should make you change unless you want to. If you're happy with your life and the way things are now, why shake it all up? Why are we so concerned in the imperfections of our lives?! If you're happy I hope you stay happy, please for the rest of the world that needs to find that solid ground. If you need to change something, go ahead by all means! But don't rush if you don't need to. Don't feel like once that clock strikes midnight you should have your entire life planned out in front of you. I hope you succeed in whatever you want to, and I hope you enjoy 2011 but don't get your hopes too high up! And don't forget all the memories 2010 gave you. Have fun in this new decade of ours. Remember that you can change whenever, transformations aren't restricted to solely January 1st*
Keep on keepin' on,
*He who breaks a resolution is a weakling; He who makes one is a fool.
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