I've always been pretty good with being an open book. There's only a few people I have trouble being open with. Besides that, ask me anything and most likely I'll answer honestly. When I started writing this blog I thought it'd be easy for me to convey my raw, honest, stupid, weird thoughts just for me to vent. I know people are reading this, I have followers, people vote on polls, leave comments, talk to me about it in life etc. I don't even know if it's the fact that there's someone (YOU!) out there reading this, but lately I've really wanted to get myself to write about things, things I feel SO strongly and I resort to making them small
encrypted paragraphs even I don't understand sometimes. Why is that? Why do we have such a problem with people judging us? I'm really confident on so many levels, but there's just certain things that shut me up. I'll be chatting
someone's ear off and the minute they ask me about something I'll just say "Oh, I don't know". WHY?! Well, there's reasons why but then I'd have to get into the gritty detail of the actual subject. No thanks, I'll close my book right now.

Pst. To be honest I think you're gorgeous and it kills me every time I don't tell you.
Song stuck in my head today: reeaddd more!
Keep on keepin' on,
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