Soooooooo, as I promised, here is my very first annual
Glee blog post! (Note: These will now be on Thursdays because
Glee has moved back to Wednesdays if you didn't see the commercial last night!) And just remember there will most likely be *SPOILERS* so read with great discretion!
Last night fellow Gleeks, was the come back of most of your favorite shows with a great episode, "Hell-o", after a hiatus for oh, what, 3 1/2 months?! I have to say, it was great having the show back. I loved the songs and nothing seemed to disappoint
except (sorry! I have to find something to criticise, as hard as it is) I hope it's less dramatic in the following episodes. I think it will be because this was a season premiere, so things have to be spicy to draw people in for higher ratings for next week. Don't get me wrong, I love all the drama! But I don't want it to be too fake, and too fast y'know?
And one other point, some things I was confused about:
Did Rachel really break up with Jesse?I asked around to my Gleek friends, and they all agreed that Rachel only said that so she wouldn't have to quit Glee, and was really dating this Vocal Adrenaline heart-throb on the sly. I hope so! Because I'd really like to see him in more than just one episode, though with the fierce competition brewing for the coveted spot at Regionals, I'm sure we'll be seeing a lot more of his lovely locks.
What was Terri(y?) saying when she was talking to Emma about her and Will's prom?My friends said this was also unclear to them, we only understood that Will had danced with Emma to him and Terri's prom song. If any of you readers know more about what happened, feel free to comment, and respond to anything else! (:
Is Jesse just using Rachel?Once again, my friends all agreed that they think this is true because you see the 'coach' of Vocal Adrenaline was standing in the legs of the stage while Jesse and Rachel were in mid-kiss, and Jesse opened his eyes during the sweet moment to somewhat mischievously acknowledge his coach's presence.
Good news!! I just was listening to some of last night's
Glee track on iTunes, and they had a preview of:
Glee- The Music, the Power of Madonna (which is next week's episode! if you missed the "Vogue" music video, HILARIOUS!) and four out of the eight well anticipated tracks are featuring Jonathan Groff, who plays Jesse St. James! So, if you were nervous you'd miss your favorite new character, there's one more thing to look forward to next week! Here's the songs from next week for you, you can pre-order them on iTunes if you'd like:
1.) Express Yourself (feat. Jonathan Groff)
2.) Borderline/Open Your Heart
3.) Vogue
4.) Like a Virgin (feat. Jonathan Groff)
5.) 4 Minutes
6.) What It Feels Like for a Girl
7.) Like a Prayer (feat. Jonathan Groff)
8.) Burning Up (feat. Jonathan Groff)
I can't wait to hear "4 Minutes" and "Like a Virgin", how about you? Leave your comments.
Also, you've might've heard by now, but just to keep you informed.... Jonathan Groff played the lead along Lea Michele (Rachel Berry) in the Broadway production of Spring Awakening, and from that experience if you don't know the show.... well they definitely have chemistry!
Here's some memorable quotes, if you missed out on some last night because of quick runs to you fridge and were lost when everyone was laughing at them today!
"Did you know dolphins are just gay sharks?" - Britney
"Sometimes I forget my middle name." - Britney
"Don't go all super size me, I don't date fat chicks" "I'm pregnant!" "And is that my fault?" - Puck & Quinn
"I carry a rape whistle!" - Rachel
"We have to wear sunscreen on stage..." - Jesse
"I remember when I used to get nervous." - Jesse
Hope you all liked the first post, and don't forget to tune in next Wednesday at nine to watch the special
Glee Madonna episode, and here every following Thursday. Got suggestions? As I said, comment, comment, comment!

Glee girls performing "Hello Goodbye"
As for me things are good! I did five perimeters of the school today but my friend Jennie who I mentioned is out for a week or two after pulling a muscle. :( Feel better Jennie!
Song stuck in my head today:
"True Colors" by The Glee cast
Have a great day!!!! ♥
Keep on keepin' on,