Tuesday, January 4, 2011

So, there's this thing at my high school called "Site Base" basically one representative from each grade is picked and you attend monthly meetings where a different topic is discussed amongst teachers, staff, chair people, parents, and other various administrators. I was chosen as the freshman representative for this year and so far I've only attended two meetings but each meeting I have the same feeling. I feel sort of, I don't know, secretive or official in a way. Not just because I'm sitting at a table with my principals, teachers, and other adults that have power over me but it's like someone's allowing me to see into a world I've never seen before! It's very eye-opening sometimes.

Wow, that probably sounds extremely cheesy and geeky, but whatever continue reading.

Today we discussed budget. Budget, budget, budget. We talked about how 'in times like these' we must make do with what we can, and how we've been able to do that quite comfortably in the past years. We went over what we were hoping to purchase for our school and the district this year and hope we might be effected in years to come.

I never knew all that goes into this! I'll hear neighbors or parents of friends or even my own talk this and that about the budget every year, how not enough money is spent on this or we need to pull this out or how we have all this money and no one's using it!

Well here's my question to you world, (oh and Cuomo if you're listening)....
It seems no one knows. Honestly I don't understand economics, or whatever it's called. Where's the money? I don't understand what freezes mean, or what 0% budget is, or why the county is looking for money from the schools 'cause they can't get it from the state. Where's the cash? Where's a dollar bill, where's the actual tangible money?? It seems like it's all "in the bank" or written out into checks...

But apparently the Board of Education understands this concept that eludes me. And for that, I give them major credit. I don't know how I could deal with all those people who are demanding this and that from me when that's not of their power.

Hope you're having a good 2011 xx

Song stuck in my head today: er.. about that...

Keep on keepin' on,


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