First off, there's been a lot of changes with the physical appearance of the blog lately, if you haven't noticed! But one I'd like to just point out for a sec is to your right ----> if you have a Facebook, which I'm sure you do. Click like! That way if you don't have a blogger and aren't friends with me you can still be up to date on the latest TFL (here I go again!) posts without constantly checking back here (I know you doooo) or without me constantly making it my status. Sound like a plan superman?

Hmm.. what else.
Oh yeah! Now that track's ended I'm already booked up for the off season with my school's drama program. I made it into the play! This year we're doing Once Upon a Mattress and even though things have been slow so far with it (only one rehearsal in two weeks...?) and I really miss track a break from late nights is always nice and I'm sure drama will get better!
So between Pretty Little Liars which is on RIGHT now and trying to get everything else sorted out for school tomorrow I have to go but plentyyy of posts to come this week. :) Arrivederci!
Song stuck in my head today: "Make It Mine" by Jason Mraz ♥
Keep on keepin' on,
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