Once again, going back to my whole 'Peter Pan' state, the thought of 13 was the most daunting of all ages I had to overcome I'd say. I mean tell me you weren't anxious turning 13?! Maybe that's just me. (And if anyone out there's not yet 13, good luck my friend enjoy it!) I was so scared of turning into a typical teenager though. It was my biggest anxiety. I can't really tell you what my 'typical teenager' would be though. I bet I've broken a few rules I had set for my self when I was 12. I guess my definition of a typical teenager back then would be someone who was rude and moody and thought they were the coolest stuff around, someone would ditch people for their friends on a moments notice and had no real values or whatever.
When I was younger I always noticed that every teen lived for summer. I guess it's just a thing that happens.
Don't know if I've mentioned this before but Fall's my favorite season. Don't get me wrong there's great things about every time of the year but I've just always had this deep love for Fall. Anyways, I've never really absolutely LOVED summer until last year. I don't know why, I could come up with some complex theories knowing me, but I just did. And I'm missing it. I'll admit it. A lot.
I miss being able to roll out of bed wheter it be six in the morning or one in the afternoon and just throw on a bathing suit, flip flops and be ready for the day. I miss staying up late, I miss my feet being tickled by the green grass, I miss swimming, I miss beach hair, I miss the sun enveloping my skin and I miss the clean slate summer gives me. I miss camp, I miss Bob Marley on loop in my backyard, I miss the smell of sunscreen and the fact that I live on a diet of hotdogs, hamburgers and chips and salsa from June to August.
I miss my friends.
Being with my camp (okay, VBS whatever!) friends over the summer is great. It's awesome just coming back year after year picking up where we left off the summer before, like nothing every happened. The jokes and memories we've made growing up compare to no other 'group' I've been a part of. I miss them!! I miss being able to wake up, stroll onto the lawn and talk about who's singing "Love Your Enemies" this year, what they did wrong this year, and how we could basically run this place we know so much.
I've made so many great friends there, people I would've never met or talked to even otherwise. Yes, that means you Kasey Crean! I miss you, and I know you miss me just as much (ha ok!). I can't wait until this summer, even if it is just for a few days!! Party at your house this year? Sounds good. Hope everything's good with soccer, I was supposed to keep coming just to practice but track is too much. It's already I bet you're just beating up Erin now!

Song stuck in my head today: sorry about the lack of these lately...!
Keep on keepin' on,
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