I don't get why we dream at night. It makes no sense. It's so surreal. Our heads hit the sack and then we're transported into this universe for the night.
Normally my dreams are very very weird. They make no sense what so ever, and half the time they have no one I know personally in them. Some examples: my infamous Zac Efron dream (I like sharing these with people). One night I dreamed that Zac Efron was a fish and he knitted me a sweater. Then he invited me to his HSM concert where he turned into a old black man. Another reoccurring one is one where I'm playing tag with pirates in my local Stop and Shop... Do you see?!
I don't get what - or even if - there's a purpose to dreams. Do they foreshadow events? Are they showing us what we should be doing? Are they just teasing our desires? Or are they just plain nonsense?
I can't stop thinking about my dreams lately. You've been in all of them this past week. Last night in my dream you gave me a huge hug and told me you loved me and I swear it seemed so real, it's haunting me I can't stop thinking about it. You know those feelings you get when you wake up and you swear what happened in your dream happened in real life? That was my dream last night, and the day before that, and the day before that. I hate them. I hate them hate them hate them.
But then, you don't want the dream to stop. I want you in my dreams every night, but I don't want to wake up with that feeling in the pit of my stomach. I hate not knowing if the world is trying to tell me something, or if it's just mocking me because I'll never let go of the thought of us.

Sleep tight.
Song stuck in my head today: "Dreaming With A Broken Heart" by John Mayer (this is one of my favorite dance routines choreographed by the Goddess, Mia Michaels)
Keep on keepin' on,
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