Sunday, February 27, 2011
The Flower List #39: Watch a sunrise

Saturday, February 26, 2011
Back to Basics: A Flower List Update

Friday, February 25, 2011

Saturday, February 19, 2011
Me? I'm yet to put any of her hits onto my iPod. But I am one click away from purchasing "Speechless" and "Born This Way". Those two songs I do like from her. I think those who compare her to Madonna, are right too but they shouldn't say that Lady Gaga isn't original. She is. People look to the past for inspiration, and Lady Gaga has cited Madonna as one of hers. History is bound to repeat itself and there's only so much originality you can get out of one person. Is is a crime that her latest hit is reminiscent of 80s Madonna? No. Is the world going to end because, just like Madonna Lady Gaga is a revolutionary artist that is breaking the molds of fashion? Not at all. I believe that what Lady Gaga produces is real. She started off as a songwriter and many of her songs became hits so now she wanted to take her talent for herself, as she should! I love hearing her talk about fame, because she is, as she calls herself, a master of it. Not just because she's selling record by the millions and selling out stadiums in seconds, but because of the way she's accomplished that. She knows what to tell the media, how to act, how to promote her albums, how to eat, whatever! She's studied past music icons and have taken things that have made them a success and a failure into account and is trying to apply that to her own career. She's smart. But everything she does, I believe, is herself. Would I rather be listening to Frank Sinatra or The Black Keys? Sure. Any day. But I like seeing what Lady Gaga does, I like hearing her new music. Just because I'm not in love with every single song doesn't mean I can't be pro-Gaga. Keep doing what you're doing.
Watch this. Amazing.
Song stuck in my head today: "Mrs. Robinson" by Simon & Garfunkel
Keep on keepin' on,
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Glee Review #22: "Comeback" (Season 2, Episode 3)
With his performance of "Baby" Chord Overstreet has proved that he can make anything absolutely adorable. "Somebody to Love" was HILARIOUS. I can't get over the wig that Puck wore. "Take Me or Leave Me" was great! I know a lot of Gleeks have been waiting for Rent's debut on the show and this 'diva-off' that ending with smiles between Rachel and Mercedes was an awesome was to incorporate it. "This Little Light of Mine" was super sweet and shows that Glee can cover any genre of music and make it work! "I Know What Boys Like" was hilarious as well, I'm still not sure what to make of it but go Lauren! "Sing" was amazing and the funny thing is I heard the song for the first time a couple hours before watching Glee!! (And the outfits- especially Sue's!- were great!)
Santana is getting on my nerves. Can she quit it for once?! Now she's with Sam? This doesn't make sense whatsoever. I really wanted Sam to be the good guy of the bunch. The one who doesn't give into Santana or cheating or whatever, just drama I guess. But now I'll be Team Mike Chang for the next couple of episodes? Because the Sam/Santana thing isn't bound to last long!
1.) Is Rachel really going to write a song for Regionals?
I was really surprised to hear that Rachel thought New Directions should perform an original song at the competition. I'm anxious to hear what the show comes up with because it has to be amazing to win the hearts of the gleeks and the Regionals judges!
2.) Why did Sam agree to go out with Santana?
I honestly think Sam is just going out with Santana to prove to Quinn that he can get girls whenever he wants. I also think he wants to fit in. After all, he is still relatively new to McKinley and in a way hooking up with Santana is like an initiation process!
3.) Is it a given that New Directions will win Regionals?
After the disappointing loss last year, isn't it text book that New Directions will bring home the trophy come this time around? It makes sense but you never know with Glee!
The Bieber Experience
“Who’s more rock n’ roll than Justin Bieber? No one, that’s who.” — Sam
“I agree with SpongeHairSquareChin.” — Sue
“I wore a tank top today because I thought it was summer. No one ever taught me how to read a calendar.” — Brittany
“And William – I don’t care how adorable those kids are; if I hear one song from that classic rock outfit Journey I will start pulling catheters.” — Sue
Glee Review #21: "Silly Love Song" (Season 2, Episode 2)
Oh, Valentine's day. Gotta love Glee's holiday episodes.
*SPOILER ALERT* Get yourself to fox.com!
"Fat Bottomed Girls" was... interesting. I just think that Puck's love for Lauren is too weird. I understand it but I do think that the writers just wanted to throw in another crazy relationship. "P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing)" was so great! I love Mike Chang and Artie, especially together. Too cute. "When I Get You Alone" was so great, the Warblers are AMAZING. "My Funny Valentine" was... interesting as well! I think Tina's crying should've been more drawn out or come at the end because I wanted to hear more! But I understand why they included it. "Firework" was great, Rachel never disappoints. "Silly Love Songs" was my favorite of the night!!!I still can't wrap my head around all the Sam/Quinn/Finn/Rachel drama but you can't avoid these sort of things in TV shows! I loved Finn's gift to Rachel (the star necklace), it was perfect. I loved the Lonely Heart club at the end of this episode!
My questions...
1.) When will Kurt and Mercedes be happy?
Not to say that the two aren't happy being single but when will they finally have a solid relationship? Kurt has had his flings -with both sexes- but never has Mercedes been in a relationship or have we seen any of her love life whatsoever! Don't leave her out people!
2.) Will Quinn keep seeing Finn?
Like Quinn said, last time she cheated it got her pregnant! So will she keep this thing with Finn going? I personally think Quinn won't because deep down is the old God-fearing girl we remember from season 1!
3.) Does Rachel's hair change every season?
I know this is random, but as I was watching the episode I was thinking about the different hairstyles Lea Michele has donned as Rachel Berry on Glee. It seems like we can never been happy with just one! Haha, will she do something drastic next season? Like Puck's 'mohawk'?
Your quotes...!
"That’s my man and his legs don’t work.” – Brittany
“It’s cool. My dad’s a drug addict so losers make me horny.” – Waitress
"It's a receipt. I went to Jared." - Santana
"Please, I've had mono so many times it's turned into stereo." - Santana
*Since all these posts have been delayed... there's no purpose in writing about next episode! Sorry that these have all sucked :( *
Song stuck in my head today: "No Stopping Us" by Jason Mraz
Keep on keepin' on,
Glee Review #20: "The Sue Sylvester Suffle" (Season 2, Episode 10)
The glee club, featuring the football team, performing their mashup of "Thriller" and "Heads Will Roll" for the huge crowd at the championship half-time game.
Here are your quotes.....
"I don't want to die yet. At least not until One Tree Hill gets canceled." - Brittany
"Is it the new raccoon hormones my doctor gave me?" - Sue
"I'm not singing no show tunes. That is the music of my oppressors." - Football team member
"Ladies my Suclear weapon." - Sue
"And that, Brittany, is so 2000 and late." - Sue
Some misc. things...
- I loved Becky smashing the canon with champagne!
- The Bieste singing along to "Need You Now" was great.
- The 'Artie Rolls' sign at the football game was too cute.
- As I'm watching the episode, I'm wondering how we don't notice small things in TV like how they're playing football yet it's the middle of February? High school football ends come November!
Song stuck in my head today: "Misery" by Maroon 5
Keep on keepin' on,
Monday, February 14, 2011
Happy Valentine's Day! ♥

Song stuck in my head today: "All You Need Is Love" by the cast of Across the Universe
Keep on keepin' on,
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

You greeted me on a frosty February first morning with death, and a dreadful ear infection. Well February I want to let you know that I will still love you, and I will still try to enjoy my last month of winter to the fullest. So please bear with me as a bear with you. Thanks for the two hour delay this morning to school, I needed it.
Song stuck in my head today: I don't know but my mum keeps complaining that Justin Bieber's "Baby" is stuck in hers!
Keep on keepin' on,
^bahah I'm sorry I still can't believe I actually typed mum.... :)