Wow! What an episode,
exactly what I was craving.
*SPOILER ALERT* get yourself over to!
While all the songs were equally great, the one I'm listening to right at this moment on YouTube is "Forget You". It already made number one on
iTunes! It was so funny because I just heard this song for the first time a week or two ago while watching MTV Hits and I think the
Glee version was even better. It was simply fantastic. "Make 'Em Laugh" was really cute, and Rachel and Holly's version of "Nowadays/Hot Honey Rag" was great. It was good to see Rachel thoroughly enjoying a performance! "
Singin' in the Rain/Umbrella" was just as I expected: amazing!
Drama this episode was left to the ever relentless Terri "
Schuester?", and the
lovable Kurt. Let's just go right to the questions because they have to deal with all this drama that went on...
Is Terri FINALLY gone?!Seeing her
pop up when Will bought the
Lamborghini, and in other awkward situations gave the show a comical twist, but her perpetual attempts to win him back have long ago become too tedious. I hope her last conversation with Will was the last straw, because it sure seemed like it. Then again you never know with Terri... Oh and also wasn't it great to see Will talk to a normal girl in his house without it resulting in a one night stand? Kudos.
Is Kurt's "friend" going to last long also?How many more episodes is this
Neanderthal going to keep confusing our Kurt? After the threat he made to Kurt at the end of the episode, it seems things are coming to a final boiling point... I hope. I don't want to see Kurt hurt! Also, do you think he will tell someone about the threat? Ironically, we just learned about these kind of things during an
assembly in school and our guidance department stressed the fact of telling people of anything that could possibly harm someone. So, do you think Kurt will? Or is this not serious at all?
Is Kurt going out with Blaine?After he gave Mercedes a speech about her "finding the one" it just muddled up reality even more: Is Kurt seeing Blaine or not?!

Will sees this when he turns around to face his class after being too sick.
QUOTES! (They were actually a lot this time!)
smell homeless Brett, homeless." - Kurt
"I'm Mike Chang." - Brittany
"At least I didn't fall and break my talent." - Rachel
C'mon guys
there's gotta be a
Journey song we haven't done yet!" - Will
"Top 40 sweet cheeks." - Holly
"They look like deep-fried deer poop." - Brittany
"He taught me how to tie my shoelaces." - Sam
"Are you a porn star or a drag queen?" - Terri
" I suggest selling yourself on
Craigslist under the heading of 'Men seeking Men with butt chins.'" - Sue
" Mr.
Schu taught me the second half of the alphabet. I stopped after M and N. I thought they sounded too similar and got frustrated." - Brittany
Some random points...
- I'm starting TEAM FIGGINS, I love him
- The toddlers in the show were ADORABLE.
- Santana's moment where she almost mauled Rachel was too funny!
- "Conjunction Junction" made the episode.
- Brittany was hysterical all around.
Next week.... Carol. Burnett. Enough said.
The songs that will be performed are...
"Just the Way You Are"
"Marry You"
Jai Ho"
I'm wonder how they'll incorporate "
Jai Ho"!
Song stuck in my head today:
"In My Life" by The Beatles (Yeah, just freaking out that they're finally on
Keep on
keepin' on,