Saturday, December 4, 2010

Glee Review #18: "Special Education" (Episode 9, Season 2)

Oh my, how many times in my life will Glee make me cry?!

*SPOILER ALERT* Make sure you've watched the episode!

"Don't Cry For Me Argentina" was amazing. A great song to start off the show with! "Hey Sould Sister" was so great also, but seeing Kurt keep all his talent to himself in the background was so upsetting to watch. "The Time of My Life" was super cute, and brought us all back to the Rachel Finn moment that they had last time they performed a duet. Really showed us how far we've come! "Valerie" was perfect! I love Santana's songs. "Dog Days Are Over" = OHMIGOD. Perfect. Way to wrap up an episode! I love Mercedes and Tina together.

Wow, all the drama in this episode! First off, we were right. Finn and Rachel are over for now. In a rollercoaster of emotions and songs the constant on and off couple who seemed stabel for a while now are done. Is it really final though? If I had to sum up this epsiode it'd be lost. Everyone was. Kurt was lost in his new school, Will was lost because (What the hell?!) Emma got... married?! I think Emma was a little lost there too... Rachel and Finn were lost dealing with their relationship troubles, and the whole team was falling apart! It was so upsetting. But hopefully with some Christmas spirit next week the glee club will get their act together again, they have no choice!

My questions for you...
1.) Will there be new characters soon?
It seems like no one can stay single for long on this show, and with Finn and Rachel's breakup will they introduce new love interests or actually give the show a dose of reality and keep them alone for a bit? I think Mercedes deserves a boyfriend next if anyone!
2.) What?! A new recruit?!
With Kurt's absence Puck was asked to find a new glee club member. Their latest recruit, well I just want to punch her in the face! Hopefully they'll find a better substitute because no one joins the glee club and helps them at sectionals to say it's stupid and sucks! Find someone better, please.
3.) Is this whole Emma thing serious?
Our once germaphobic reserved little Emma is now running off to Vegas with some dentist and getting hitched?! Something seems fishy...

The Warblers performing "Hey Soul Sister"

Your quotes...
"Those things are hard to come by scalpers get like five bucks for these!" - Will
"I know I'm more talented than all of you. Britney Spears taught me that." - Brittany
"I'm not big on reading." - Puck
"Budda, Allah, Satan, help me!" - Puck
“Let me guess: Finn and Rachel are gonna do a ballad, right? Followed by the kids joining in with a classic rock number where Mercedes will belt out the last jaw-dropping note.” - Emma
“You used to be just sort of unlikeable, but now I pretty much feel like punching you every time you open your mouth.” - Quinn
“I know that I can’t. Just like I know the cricket that reads to me at night is totally stealing my jewelry.”- Brittany
“More like its am-bad-ass-ador.” - Puck
"If we lose we should throw possums.”- Brittany
“Is the problem your outfit? Because you look like a cheerleader zombie corpse.” - Artie
“You are as brilliant and talented as you are irritating.” -Kurt

I really can't wait to see what Glee does with Christmas! The songs they'll be singing are...
"We Need a Little Christmas" (love this one!)
"Baby, It's Cold Outside"
"Merry Christmas Darling"
"Welcome Christmas"

Song stuck in my head today: ...

Keep on keepin' on,


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