Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Glee Review #3: Home (Season 2, Episode 3)

I think everyone watching last night thought that the title really summed up the show last night. It was a step back from Glee's normal witty lines and group performances. We saw a lot more of each character's life at home, and it had that homey sorta sweet but sad feeling to it.

Before reading, *SPOILER ALERT*

I don't know about you, but I cry a lot. I mean, I even cried when I was eight watching Finding Nemo! And there were a lot of tear-jerking moments last night. The one that actually made me reach for a tissue though had to be when Finn's mother was telling him about how she still talks to his father every night, waiting for him to talk back. I thought the scene was so good! And they really accomplished a lot 'cause there was so many other times I felt like letting a few tears by. I thought they made the conflicts that occurred because of Finn and Kurt's parents dating very real. I've never lost a parent, and my parents haven't been divorced but I think that the dating transition would be hard for me too. I thought having Kurt jealous of Finn's relationship with his dad was realistic and relatable for people that have gone through similar situations.

The only thing that disappointed were the musical lineups. When I posted some songs I found yesterday on my blog, I didn't think that could've been all of them! But I was disappointed when I found out that that was. Even though April and Will's duet was cute, and showed the side of her that is a bit sweeter and vulnerable I found it too long, because I was starting to loose interest. You had to of known she was still gonna hop in bed with him, so why prolong it when we could've seen more of the glee club as a whole or how Emma's holding up?! I think a lot of people missed those big club performances, Rachel and Jesse, and Miss. Pillsbury.

And some more questions, of course!....
1.) Where is Quinn living these days?!
If you can't recall, Quinn's parents kicked her out when they found out she was expecting. Even though furious to find out he wasn't the father, Finn let her stay in his basement. But that's been a while now and they haven't brought up anything about her personal life and the life of her baby! I loved seeing her in the nurse's office with Mercedes though. I thought that was a great scene and as funny as it is to see Quinn as Queen Bee, let's leave that role for Santana. I think sticking with nice Quinn is just fine!
2.) Has Glee finally turned back to its roots?
I was happy to see that the song "Home" was featured in last night's episode. It had seemed to me and some gleeks (thanks Brianna for this awesome point!) that Glee had been shedding its show tunes for more familiar songs to broaden its demographic. Call me a new found drama nerd, but wasn't that a bit of Glee's whole identity in the first place? It seemed like almost every episode had to have that classic B-Way song to make it really an episode. I hope we continue to hear more Broadway because I'm not sure if I can live with a Glee without some jazz hands!
3.) What will the article mean for Sue's career?
We all know that Sue's little reign of terror taking over the auditorium was ended by April buying it from the money she got from her lover's wife, but will things get worse when the article about her and the cheerios get published? You can tell at the end of her conversation with the reporter that she felt guilty lying about how she treated the girls and taking full responsibility for Mercedes's "Beautiful" routine; but knowing Sue things might only get worse. I'm wondering if after her experience if Mercedes will continue to stay a cheerio and if Sue gets herself into more trouble once the media hears about her 'visionary teachings'.

Next weeks episode looks extremely funny, we see Emma calling Will a slut and that might mean more drama with Vocal Adrenaline! But... T.V. certainly knows how to twist our perceptions of shows because I thought the week's episode looked hilarious too and it turned out to still be a good episode, but on an entirely different spectrum then I expected. Let's cross our fingers though because I couldn't survive with Brittany's one-liners actually being one line...!

Some quotes from "Home":
"Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to put in a call to the Ohio Secretary of State, notifying them I will no longer be carrying photo ID. You know why? People should know who I am." - Sue
"Well, as I live and breathe! Will Schuester? I just had a sex dream about you!" - April
"Well, Becky, you are assimilating beautifully. Instead of being different and an outcast, you're just like every other teenage girl in America, sadly obsessed with vanity. Hey, before you know it, you'll be leaving little baggies of upchuck in your parents’ linen closet." - Sue
"I'm pretty sure my cat's been reading my diary." - Brittany
"Why hasn't anyone commented on the jeans I got Carol? Notice that the waistband falls way below the belly button — a welcome change." - Kurt
"How do you two not have a show on Bravo?" - Sue
"I haven't had a drink in 45 minutes." - April
"On assembly days, I arrange for the rest of the school to be fumigated, so the gym is the only place with clean air." - Sue

How Mercedes sees Artie before she passes out

Hope you watch and read next week!

Thanks for all the comments (here and Facebook!) and poll votes. I'll talk more about the polls I put up instead of just having you vote randomly! :)

Song stuck in my head today: "Falling Down" by Selena Gomez

Keep on keepin' on,



  1. HAhhhaa new found drama and hopefuly me and bris question will get answered soon...and that artie cupcake will go great with our jesse burger, finn fries, and shoester shake!hehhee love you so much!
    -Showtunes nerd and proud <3
    guess who?

  2. Hahaha, Sam you leave the best comments!!

  3. ik i do just beinggg supportive!
