Thursday, April 29, 2010

A Simple Thought on Superiority

Even with all our fancy devices and new concepts and contraptions, I think humans always just love the simple things in life. For one thing, it's so much easier. No confusing manuals or rules, just pure simplicity. My little sister is almost 11 months old now and she has tons of toys as usual, from the baby shower, friends and family celebrating her birth last year and being just plain spoiled every now and then when someone sees a cute toy in the store and 'just had to get it'. But, I really realize now that it was such a waste of time and money! You give Abby a cup, and there you go! Instant silence and a smiley face. If you've never grown up or lived around a little kid, you must've seen it once in your life. A mother who is bombarding her child with the latest Tickle Me Elmo, Yo Gabba Gabba toys, and Baby Einstein DVDs trying to calm her down with the familiar faces of Nick Jr. when she's just content as can be while chewing on a Solo cup. I see it all the time with my sister; my dad with come home from work, take off his belt and she'll come crawling over, deserting the jumpy, walker and playpen overflowing with primary colored items, to chew on a piece of leather.

We talked about this in my dance class very briefly. You see, I take tap and we're doing a dance to the theme of Cabaret and we know that the crowd will go wild when we have our kick line at the end of the song. And we don't get it! Here we are, sweating like crazy to a faster pace dance doing an intricate stool sequence in the beginning, trying to hit all the right moves on the right note, and working for whole classes on a partner routine and once we step and kick all together, that's when we'll get our well deserved rowdy crowd. Does that make sense to you?

Sometimes I think we need to just forget all the bells and whistles and go back to our roots. It seems to me like simplicity works and we can't take or add anything to change that.

It seems natural to poke fun at people younger than you. And, in ways I guess I don't see much harm depending on what you say. I think some people make fun of those younger because they can relate to the mistakes they're making because they themselves have gone through it too. But, I think sometimes it makes you look just plan stupid. It can sometimes make you look cocky and superior if you are thinking those only a year or two younger than you are foolish.

I know a lot of 7th graders who are constantly jabbing insults at the 6th graders they've left behind in their elementary schools. They think that once you're out of K-6th you're free! That you own the town and that everything you do is better, cooler and right. And if anyone tries to copy you, you see no wrong in find them pathetic followers.

Well you're wrong.

There's always going to be people above you. And the stupid things I hear people say about 6th graders are extremely idiotic! You were in their shoes last year. Have some sympathy, okay? Dumb things they might be doing you might've done even dumber. Wait until you get a little older to be broadcasting your thoughts about them over the Internet and don't be so harsh. It's good to laugh and reflect on these things but hurting people's feelings and making yourself semi-hated in the process isn't worth it. As Stephanie always says, (Hey cuz!) "Just because you're taller than me doesn't me you're better!". This is usually aimed towards me... :)

As for my poll explanation, I'm short on time right now so we'll leave that for tomorrow hopefully!

Song stuck in my head today: "We Dance" from Once On This Island Jr.
Keep on keepin' on,


  1. awww...we dance im gonna cry again!and it drives me insane how you can write this much and use such big vocabulary.... Me no as smart as you...heheee.... <<<<watch it i posted it on your wall already but OMG ITS GLEEE MORREEE SHOWTUNES chorus line <3 ^^^
    love always,

    love always,

  3. Haha thanks Sam! And trust me, you're smart! Honors science and math??

    Ahhhh I'm going to my wall to watch it.... I'll write back on yours.
