Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Never say Forever

When I was going into middle school, it seemed like everyone was preparing me for loosing friends: family, older friends, TV, books. They all said that once you hit middle school, BAM! You're best friend's gone. I just brushed it off. My best friend and I have never gotten into a fight, ever. So now that we're going to middle school that's magically going to change that? Nuh-uh I don't think so.

So 7th grade comes and goes, we're still as tight as ever. 8th grades comes and just as it's about to leave me with nothing but old photos and certificates to remember it by, it happens. Just my luck. The worst thing was, it didn't end quick and blunt, like ripping off a band aid. It didn't end with one explosive fight filled with tears and dirty looks. The end of our almost 10 year friendship was slow and confusing. I'm still not sure why it happened. There was no backstabbing, betrayals, or lying, just a sudden drift apart. Every time I tried to talk to her about it, she'd forget (?) to return my calls and texts or would be to busy and preoccupied to talk to me. I really wanted us to talk about it in person, but she was always so busy so I finally caught her on the phone and asked her why she wasn't hanging out with me or talking to me anymore. All she could say was "I don't know". She couldn't give me a solid answer for any question I had for her. My Dad said we probably just changed as individuals and these kind of things happen a lot, ecspecially at our age. Surprisingly I was sort of okay with it. I was upset but I felt it ended good. At least I didn't have any grudges to hold.

The reason why I wanted to vent, and bring it up now, a couple months afterwards, and rehash the whole thing was that my ex BFF (let's call her Sam) has recently started talking again to my other best friend (we'll call him Neil). When Sam ended our friendship, she ended her friendship with Neil too. So the fact that Sam's now talking to Neil again is unsettling to me. It makes me feel like I DID do something wrong, and it wasn't just that we changed. If I did do something to end our friendship, I would really like to know! But she never made it clear what happened. So now, I'm not as content as I used to be with our unexpected split. If Sam starts being friends with Neil again why isn't she talking to me?! Us three were all super close and now I feel like I've done something horrible and can't remember and that's why Sam's suddenly casting me aside...

I really hope to make things good again between us three. Not back to old times, because I'm not sure if that can ever happen again, but I at least want to get rid of the awkwardness I know will arise when September comes rolling around and we have to be together for the next four years wheter we like it or not.

Forever never comes around
- September

Sorry if you were a little disappointed in today's post. I just really had to get it out. Oh! And those colorful To Do lists have been helping!.... somewhat ;)

Song stuck in my head today: "Cry For You" by September

Keep on keepin' on,



  1. this was so inspiring and it made me think about my "relationship" with some of my friends. thanks madison for being such an inspiration! :] <3

    Guess who this is! hahaha <3 love you

  2. Hahaa thanks for using my name in the story :P and u know this story kinda sounds somewhat familar...hahhaaa I miss u! and all i can say to that is for a few reasons im glad im not going to kkennedy :) lets hang out sometimee

  3. Thank you so much! And wild guess... haha: Stephanie? Love you too!

    Hahah Sam! You know it's not you! And I miss you too! We have to make plans, ASAP!!!! I'm glad you're going to Calhoun but I need you at Kennedy. :)
