Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Glee Review #6: Dream On (Season 2, Episode 6)

I think after watching last night's episode of Glee most people had a dream to be on that show! What a great night it was last night at nine. The songs were good, the plots creative and tear-jerking, and the comedic times not extremely side-splitting.

Didn't watch last night's episode? Remember, *SPOILER ALERT*

I had to take notes last night -old school- because I left my phone at school so I didn't have texts from my friends to go through about the episode as I'm writing this.... so this post will have to do without my normal paragraph set up. (Y'know? One for music, one for drama, stuff like that that always seems to fall into place!) I don't have time to reorganize everything because I'm busy juggling An Interview With Taylor Swift! on the side! Thanks for all the support these past couple days, everything's looking bright!!

The thing I loved so much about the episode was the big focus on Tina and Artie. I've been dying to see more of them for ages!! I thought that how Bryan Ryan mentioned Terri as the 'one girl who got away' was a great little twist of things. I thought "Dream On" was a really cool number, but at times it seemed to perfect for an Aerosmith hit. I wanted more raw vocals instead of the great always on-pitch sound we're used to. At first, when we saw Artie almost magically rise up out of his wheel chair while at the mall when Tina, and pretty much start a flash mob dancing to "Safety Dance" I was stunned. I was laughing to myself, thinking how ridiculous and unrealistic the whole scenario was, wondering if the whole cast was delirious thinking they could add this cute but way out of touch scene seamlessly into the episode! But then when the dancing suddenly stopped and you saw Artie sitting back in his chair, my laughter almost turned into tears. I loved the scene -though I thought they could've chosen a better song!- it made me really think about how much it meant to Artie, and how devastated he must feel everytime a song comes on and he can't even tap his feet. I loved how we got to see the real side of Jesse, why he suddenly transferred and what his real motivations were. It's good to know that they weren't particularly evil and know he's grown to like Rachel. I'm not sure if you guys saw Idina's character being Rachel's mother as a shock, because my super gleeky fans (Sam!) have known thanks to great Glee websites that that was going to arise for a while. I still love the connection even though I wasn't as shocked as I should've been! Even though it was made fun of at the end, to lighten the hard-hitting speech, I thought Will's whole black hole and star 'speech' was great!!! For some reason, "I Dreamed a Dream" didn't wow me. It was one of those moments where you want to cry but it feels like there's no tears left, except trade the tears in for a shocked reaction. I thought how that was the 'tape' was very interesting. My favorite song was actually "Dream a Little Dream of Me". I thought it was one of the best songs Artie has sang besides "Dancing With Myself"! Seeing Tina dance with Mike was adorable but sad at the same time, knowing what was going through Artie's head.

It seems like my questions have less and less substance, but maybe Glee is testing me to look at their episodes more creatively.... Nah. I think they're just being annoying!
1.) Will Terri ever resurface in an epsiode?
Even though the divorce isn't legal yet, it seems like Terri is out of Will's life -and ours- for good! Like I said before, I adored the twist of how Bryan Ryan had a crush on her, so that got me to wondering if we'd ever see her again. The only ever time we've seen her in this season was when she confronted Emma while she was preparing a dinner for Will at their old apartment.
2.) Will Artie continue to look into new studies of his condition?
After being shut down by Mrs. Pillsbury when bringing up the research being done to help Artie gain his ability in his legs back, it seemed like he was really over the chances of being a dancer. I thought what he said to Tina was true, but there's always exceptions! How many times have there been miracle stories on the news were someone who should've never uttered a word, can sing and speak? Enough to create a realistic story line, that's how many! Yeah, it's not possible for everyone, but so what! It's TV and I love Artie too much.
3.) Having Rachel's mother in her life, will we get to meet her dads?!
If you keep your TV on Fox for the extra minute or so as the credits roll, you would've seen that Rachel does in fact introduce herself to her mother. I can't wait to see what happens! And I think it'd be so cool if Rachel's dads would appear in an episode or two. All we've seen of them is the photo booth pictures that Rachel had in her locker of them both.

I can't wait for Glee to go Gaga! And I am anxious to see how Kurt and Finn's families coming together will unfold. It should definitly be exciting, here's next week's roundup for ya! Sorry I keep getting the singers wrong, but hey at least I have the songs and last week I didn't mess up!!
"Poker Face" - Rachel and Shelby
"Bad Romance" - Kurt and glee club girls
"Beth" - glee club boys
"Shout It Out Loud" - Finn
"Funny Girl" - Shelby

And finally, your quotes!
"Don't make that face-global warming's just a theory." - Bryan
"I sound like someone who put tap shoes on a horse and shot it." - Artie
"It's sort of a little Rachel Berry museum." - Rachel
"I have a box of Playbills hidden away in my basement like porn!" - Bryan
"Have you heard the term anger sex?" - Bryan
"Then, something amazing happened: I was introduced to Jesus; he was my Honduran social worker. " - Byran
"Evidently, that is not customary, and that's when I started huffing glue." - Brenda
"Can't feed a child sheet music, Will. I mean, I suppose you could for a while, but they'd be dead in a month." - Bryan
"What if she's singing on the tape? What if she's terrible? Or worse — what if she's better than me?" - Rachel
"Uh, I don't know this man. His caretaker just stepped away; I overheard him mention he's a sex offender." - Bryan
"Is it a tad over-the-top to bill the district for sky-diving lessons to have the Cheerios parachuted onto the football field? Perhaps." - Sue

Artie singing "Dream a Little Dream of Me"

Thanks for reading everyone!

Song stuck in my head today: "Dear Prudence" by The Beatles

Keep on keepin' on,


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